What fills your Heart?

Connecting to your Heart centre

Chantal Francis

8/27/20232 min read

silhouette photo of man on cliff during sunset
silhouette photo of man on cliff during sunset

As children, up until around 7 yrs old, we are able to be in Theta brain wave frequency easily without the the voice of our analytical mind trying to rationalise everything. This means we are connected to our inner world and imagination, wired for creativity and open to learn new things.

As we develop and our analytical mind forms, we can end up losing capacity in our ability to connect with our desires. The things that filled our heart can seem 'unrealistic', and imagining anything outside of what we can physically see in our current reality can seem fanciful. We start listening to our analytical mind more than our heart.

What happens when we deny our Heart’s voice?

When we go unconscious to the voice of our Heart, we are denying our most honest Self a space to be heard. This can cause us to experience incongruence within, and show up as overall dissatisfaction with life, as well physical symptoms of in-balance within the body

How do I connect to my Heart?

There are different ways to connect to your heart centre including breathing exercises and meditation. If we haven't connected with our heart for sometime, it may have a lot to say! There may be emotions that want to be validated and need to worked through. Allow these the space to be heard. It can be hard to get clear on our desires when our heart has been neglected and may be carrying pain associated with that.

When we can bring awareness to all that has been unheard, we can validate it, integrate it and pave the way for us to journey through to our heart's desires.

Connecting to what fills us

When we are ready to, and our body will let us know when this is if we allow it, we can get really good at practising heart coherence! Think of a time/situation/image that fills your heart. What about it inspires, enthuses and lights you up? What does that feel like in your body? Excitement? Wonder? Joy? Love? Oneness? When we can connect back to those elevated emotions, we change the energy we are putting out, we create a higher vibrational frequency. From here we are opening our heart to call into our present, opportunities that align with that higher frequency and are congruent with the Being our heart knows us to be.